
Lara Lammer: Educational robotics projects

Organizátori Centrum vedecko-technických informácií SR , OZ Robotika.SK, FabLab

Miesto konania FabLab, Iklovičova 8, Bratislava

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Dňa 3.5.2017 sa v priestoroch tvorivej dielne FabLab uskutoční o 17:30 každomesačná prednáška, tentoraz s názvom Lara Lammer: Educational robotics projects.

Presentation will be in English. What happens when young people are guided to conceptualize robotic products for everyday problems or societal issues? Can 21 st century skills like creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication be developed? What age brings which challenges to such an approach? Are there other factors like interests or strengths that need to be considered? We will discuss two pilot case studies that explore these questions: one with kindergarten children, the other with high school and university students.

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