V4 – Entrepreneurial Summer School for Creative professionals
— Kristína JurčišinováOur successful project focusing on creative incubators in V4 region has exposed a serious gap in educational system of creative industries, lack of graduates` entrepreneurial or practical skills development. Thus, we have agreed with our partners to deepen not only our cooperation but the mapping activities within the field of creative industries in V4 region. We have turned our ideas and goals into the project application under the title “V4 – Entrepreneurial Summer School for Creative professionals“. The project was successfully funded by International Visegrad Fund.
The goal of the project is, in line with the Commissions` Agenda for new skills and jobs, to integrate entrepreneurship education in creative higher education programmes and to increase the competence and motivation of teachers by creating interdisciplinary curricula meeting new skill needs.
Agenda for new skills and jobs by the Commission highlights a skilled workforce as an essential asset to develop a competitive, sustainable and innovative economy. Thus the key policy issues for Member States include the need to stimulate the development of entrepreneurial, creative and innovation skills of graduates. Many successful practices for increasing the working life relevance of studies have been created around EU; only few have dealt with the specificity of creative industry.
Having in mind requirement for higher education modernization, potential of creative sector to stimulate the economy, application of business skills to foster entrepreneurship in students of creative disciplines and application of creative skills to foster innovation in businesses; the project focuses on the creative economy sector with the aim to strengthen Europe’s innovation potential through a set of joint activities between the creative higher education departments, technical universities and businesses, especially SMEs: new learning and teaching methods, design and delivery of interdisciplinary curricula, promotion of entrepreneurial attitudes.
The most important outcomes of the project are:
- raising awareness of the need for structured approach to employment skills during the entire studies within creative disciplines,
- analysis of recent initiatives intended to develop/support the teaching entrepreneurial skills and working life relevance of studies,
- integration of transversal employability skills and entrepreneurial skills in the core of the curriculum,
- draft of interdisciplinary study programme content.