Nestraťte sa v bludisku výziev a grantov
Zorientovať sa vo všetkých možnostiach projektového financovania nie je vôbec jednoduché. Pripravili sme preto pre vás prehľadnú infografiku, ktorá vás z tohto grantového bludiska vyvedie von. Stačí kliknúť na kategóriu, ktorá vás najviac zaujíma alebo sa vás týka a dostanete sa k nevyhnutným podrobnostiam a zoznamu výziev v danej kategórii.
Filtrovanie obsahu
Zobraz možnosti— Horizon Prize – Materiály pre čistý vzduch
európska aplikovaný výskum | experimentálny vývoj | inovácie individuálny výskum | kooperatívny výskum— Cena H2020 – Lepšie využívanie antibiotík
európska aplikovaný výskum | experimentálny vývoj | inovácie individuálny výskum | kooperatívny výskum— IKT výzvy
európska | medzinárodná základný výskum | aplikovaný výskum | inovácie | transfer technológii | budovanie infraštruktúry individuálny výskumVýzvy programu horizont 2020 zo stránok Európskej Komisie
FET Open – Novel ideas for radically new technologies
- Identifier: H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020
- Specific programme:
- Theme(s):
- Type:
- Publication date:
- Deadline: Wed, 14 Oct 2020 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
- Budget:
- Modification date: Thu, 31 Jan 2019
Latest information:
There are 421 proposals submitted by the second cut-off date of January 24, 2019 in response to the call H2020-FETOPEN-2018-2020 for proposals for topic FETOPEN-01-2018-2019-2020 (RIA) – FET-Open Challenging Current Thinking. The indicative topic budget for this cut-off date is 160.65 M EUR.
European Cluster Excellence Programme
- Identifier: COS-CLUSTER-2018-03-02
- Specific programme:
- Theme(s):
- Type:
- Publication date:
- Deadline: Thu, 4 Apr 2019 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
- Budget:
- Modification date: Thu, 31 Jan 2019
Latest information: The corrigendum of the Call for Proposals (COS-CLUSTER-2018-03-02) was published. Please see the details of the corrigendum on page 2 of the Call document.
European Cluster Excellence Programme
- Identifier: COS-CLUSTER-2018-03-02
- Specific programme:
- Theme(s):
- Type:
- Publication date:
- Deadline: Thu, 4 Apr 2019 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
- Budget:
- Modification date: Thu, 31 Jan 2019
Latest information: The corrigendum of the Call for Proposals (COS-CLUSTER-2018-03-02) was published. Please see the details of the corrigendum on page 2 of the Call document.
Protecting the infrastructure of Europe and the people in the European smart cities
- Identifier: H2020-SU-INFRA-2018-2019-2020
- Specific programme:
- Theme(s):
- Type:
- Publication date:
- Deadline: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 17:00:00 (Brussels local time)
- Budget:
- Modification date: Thu, 31 Jan 2019
Latest information: With reference to the topic SU-INFRA01-2018-2019-2020: "Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of combined physical and cyber threats to critical infrastructure in Europe" applicants are informed that the Commission has funded 3 projects following the call CIP-2016-2017-1, and 3 more projects following the call CIP-2016-2017-2. These 6 projects cover the areas of:
- Water systems
- Energy infrastructure (Energy value chain)
- Transport infrastructure (Ports)
- Communications infrastructure
- Health services
- Financial services
More detailed information is available in CORDIS following this link.
In addition to those, 3 other projects are currently under grant agreement preparation and likely to be funded under the 2018 call of SU-INFRA01-2018-2019-2020 in the domains of:
- Energy infrastructure (Gas networks)
- Transport infrastructure (Airports)
- Sensitive industrial sites and plants
Applicants should note that:
- The project on Energy Infrastructure (Gas infrastructure) will focus on the European gas network covering the entire value chain from production to distribution to the users, providing methodologies, tools and guidelines to secure existing and incoming installations and make them resilient to cyber-physical threats. Three business cases, addressing relevant issues for the Gas sector and beyond (e.g. oil), have been identified: risk-based security asset management of gas transmission and distribution networks; impacts (economic, environmental and social) and cascading effects of cyber-physical attacks on interdependent and interconnected European Gas grids; integrity and security, through the operationalization of resilience guidelines, of strategic installations across the EU Gas network.
- The project on Transport Infrastructure (Airports) will focus on building a toolkit to protect air transport infrastructures against combined cyber-physical threats. This toolkit targets the enhancement of the interoperability between existing and enhanced security systems, ensuring an efficient threat prevention, threat and anomaly detection, incident response and impact mitigation across airport infrastructures.
- The project on Sensitive industrial sites and plants proposes to develop an Innovative integrated framework including resilience-driven decision support services to prevent, detect, respond and mitigate physical and cyber threats to Sensitive Industrial Plants and Sites (SIPS) Critical Infrastructures (CIs). Demonstration of the methodology and framework will be conducted in five pilots provided by SIPS operators: big refinery (Greece); medical devices manufacturing (Ireland); chemical storage (Italy); cyber/physical protection and cascading effects and interdependency among CIs (Slovenia); user engagement in SIPS protection (Portugal).
More information will be available at the CORDIS portal if and when the Grant Agreement Preparation for these projects is completed.
The Commission welcomes proposals addressing the types of Critical Infrastructures identified in the call that have not yet been addressed by the abovementioned projects.
Applicants willing to address any of the abovementioned infrastructures in the 2019 call of SU-INFRA01-2018-2019-2020 shall duly justify the added-value of their proposal and provide evidence that minimal overlapping exists with the dimensions already covered by projects funded since 2016 in these areas. Any different dimension, not already covered by previously funded projects, would be automatically eligible for possible consideration.